wE-BIKE - Cuntu


Level 1 - Novice  
Never tried mountain biking. 
Have done some road cycling. 
Able to ride dirt or gravel wide paths (dirt or fire roads, gravel roads).
Level 2 - Beginner   
New to mountain biking. 
Most of the riding is done on wide paths. 
Able to ride some easy single tracks (green grade).
Level 3 - Intermediate   
Most of the riding is done on single tracks. 
Able to ride easy single tracks (until blue grade) with some natural features (rocks and roots) and some short steep sections. 
Able to do some jumps (up to 1 meter drops or up to 1,5 meter doubles or gap jumps); 
Able to ride switchbacks (sharp turns).
Level 4 - Strong Intermediate    
Able to ride more difficult single tracks than easy (red grade trails). 
Able to ride short steep sections with rocks and/or roots. 
Able to jump well (up to 1,5 meters drops or up to 3 meters doubles or gap jumps); 
Able to ride steep switchbacks.
Level 5 - Advanced     
Able to ride most of the difficult single tracks (black grade trails). 
Able to ride long steep sections with rocks and/or roots.  
Able to jump very well ( 2 meters drops and/or 6 meters doubles or gap jumps);   
Able to ride steep switchbacks with rocks and/or roots.
Level 6 - Expert     
Able to ride any single track no matter how difficult it gets;
Able to do any jump no matter how big or technical.
Level 1   
Very low level of exercise ( 0 or 1 time per week). 
Able to handle very low-intensity activities (walking or pedalling on flat terrain for a few minutes at a slow pace).
Capable of riding 1-2 hours a day at a very easy pace. 
Capable of up to 100m positive elevation.
Capable of up to 500m negative elevation.
Level 2   
Low level of exercise (up to 2 times per week). 
Able to handle low-intensity activities (walking or pedaling on flat terrain with some short climbs for a few minutes at a slow pace). 
Capable of riding 2-3 hours a day at an easy pace. 
Capable of up to 200/300m positive elevation. 
Capable of up to 1000m negative elevation.
Level 3  
Intermediate level of exercise (3 times per week). 
Able to handle some intensity during short periods (running or pedaling on flat terrain with some climbs. 
Capable of riding 3-4 hours a day at an easy and moderate pace. 
Capable of up to 400/500m positive elevation. 
Capable of up to 2000m negative elevation.
Level 4   
Good level of exercise (4 times per week). 
Able to handle some intensity during longer periods.
Capable of riding 4-5 hours a day on moderate and higher pace; Capable of up to 500/1000m positive elevation. 
Capable of up to 3000m negative elevation.
Level 5   
Very good level of exercise (5 or more times per week). 
Able to handle very intense activities during longer periods; 
Capable of riding 5-6 hours a day at a higher pace. 
Capable of up to 1000/2000m positive elevation. 
Capable of more than 3000m negative elevation.

wE-BIKE - Cuntu - Register